
Bulletin #14: Is Your Business Shutdown Ready?

This is Vernon Litigation Group’s weekly bulletin to support local small business owners and help navigate the challenges of staying in business, supporting employees and clients, supporting the community, and positioning local businesses for growth and success on the other side of the COVID-19 crisis.

As the second wave of COVID-19 continues to hit America, officials across the country are contemplating another potential shutdown. If this happens, it may have an even more negative impact on small businesses.

Four (4) ways to better prepare your small business for a potential second shutdown.

  1. Lead and communicate with your team at all times: Whether you have one employee, one hundred employees, or one thousand employees, it is crucial to lead and communicate with each of them regularly. If you are uncertain about what to do next, it is likely that your employees are also uncertain. Step up as the leader by communicating with your employees and make sure everyone is on the same page about how to move forward and continue serving your customers.
  2. Your Clients: Your clients’ needs likely haven’t gone away just because of a shutdown. In fact, they might need you now more than ever. People still need food, exercise, haircuts, and all different kinds of business services. Ask your clients how you can help them at this time. Ask your personal training clients how you can help them stay in shape while working out at home. Ask your regular dining customers how you can provide great meal experiences while at home. It is easier than ever to stay in touch with your clients -make sure you continue to do so. For a list of tools to help small businesses stay connected please click here.
  3. Get creative.  The reality is that many small businesses depend on the in-person business, such as restaurants, bars, hair and nail salons, retail stores, gyms, and more. Experiment with new ideas on how to provide value to clients. If you are a restaurant that is unable to serve customers in your dining room, find ways to serve them through food delivery, pick-up options or create a new and exclusive menu. If you are a personal trainer, set up video calls with your clients to give them exercises to do at home, send out nutritional advice or personalized menus for their goals. If you are a nail salon, post tutorial videos on your social media and leverage the power of your brand. If you are a retail store, implement private and or personal shoppers to purchase items for their clients and deliver to their home or have a pick-up option. There are many possibilities ­– experiment and see what sticks.
  4. Coordinate with vendors.  Many small businesses failed to coordinate with their clients and vendors before the first shutdown. This left many companies scrambling to come up with a plan to survive. Before a second shutdown happens, make sure to stay in contact with your vendors to develop concrete plans to survive and increase business.

If you have any questions or require further assistance to help you navigate through these difficult times, please feel free to give us a call. We are all in this together.

Vernon Litigation Group represents businesses & individuals throughout the United States who have financial disputes, including cyber litigation, securities litigation & arbitration, business & commercial litigation, financial advisors & employment disputes, and FINRA arbitration.

For more information contact, or call (239) 319-4434.

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